Andrew Qiao

I'm Andrew Qiao. I build what the world needs tomorrow, today.



Snowflake logo

Software Engineer Intern

Apr 2024 - Present
Bellevue, WA
  • Recently started this exciting role on an exciting team!


IBM logo

Software Developer Intern

Jan 2024 - Apr 2024
Toronto, ON
  • Architected a generative AI application for code explanation and test-case generation on 12M+ lines of code for 100+ developers using Amazon Web Services (AWS), React.js, and IBM's WatsonX AI platform
  • Increased code explanation accuracy from 30% to 90% by implementing retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) using LangChain, a FAISS vector database, Python, and the Mixtral 8x7B LLM
  • Engineered a rules-based anomaly detection system to verify $10B+ in insurance claims using Python and SQL

University Health Network

University Health Network logo

Software Developer Intern

Oct 2023 - Dec 2023
Toronto, ON
  • Deployed an app integrated with GPT-4V to evaluate AI's effectiveness in diagnosing 100+ medical conditions
  • Assisted 8 clinicians at Canada's largest research hospital in assessing AI's applicability for clinical care and education, contributing to published medical research
  • Skills: Next.js, React.js, Google Cloud, Firebase, TypeScript, Python, Tailwind CSS

TD Bank

TD Bank logo

Software Developer Intern

May 2023 - Aug 2023
Toronto, ON
  • Saved Portfolio Managers 10+ hours a week in waiting on synchronous tasks by developing a distributed system to defer lengthy portfolio model recalculations using Celery and Python
  • Removed 5+ hours a week of data entry by automating financial report generation with Django and SQL
  • Decreased tool loading speed by 67%, removing excessive API calls by applying React best practices
  • Fixed 20+ bugs by implementing thorough testing frameworks using the Python unittest library
  • Skills:: React.js, Microsoft Azure, Django, SQL Server, JavaScript, Python, NumPy, Pandas

University of Toronto

University of Toronto logo

Research Developer Intern

Oct 2022 - Apr 2023
Toronto, ON
  • Contributed to a university-partnered study with OpenAI on the workforce's perception of AI under the supervision of Dr. M. Andiappan and Dr. G. Hadfield
  • Streamlined data collection for the study's 500+ participants by deploying an AI-powered survey platform
  • Skills: Next.js, React.js, Google Cloud, Firebase, JavaScript, Node.js, OpenAI API
Andrew Qiao headshot

Hi! I'm Andrew, a Computer Science student at UWaterloo and Software Engineer Intern at Snowflake. In the past, I've also interned at IBM, TD Bank, the University of Toronto, and University Health Network. For me, programming is all about building and fixing. I want to build easy-to-use products that address meaningful pain points that the people around me experience. In my free time, I love to play tennis, lift weights, and dabble in UI/UX design. I'm always open to meeting new people, so if you're building something interesting or want to chat, please reach out!

Let's get in touch.

Have a question, new opportunity, or just want to have a quick chat? Feel free to send me a message.